Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Windows Mobile 6.5 Beta Exams

Two new beta exams for those of you who do Windows Mobile 6.5. If you don’t know what a beta exam is, well, its a pre release test version of the exam that Microsoft offer to those people who have expertise in the subject.

You get to take the exam for free and this provides valuable telemetry to the exam providers. After the beta period all the exam items are validated and if you pass the exam in the beta you get the certification. The exam itself may contain questions that might not make it to the final production level of the exam and also there may be spelling mistakes etc. You are asked as part of the exam to point these inaccuracies out. Additionally there are no books available for beta exams as the books and learning materials are usually designed and built in parallel to the exam.

So the upcoming exams are

  • 71-579 TS: Windows Mobile 6.5, Configuring
  • 71-580 TS: Windows Mobile 6.5, Application Development

You can get a regular update from the Beta Exams Announcement blog, more information on beta exams and exam development

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