Another new year, another set of posts to help you study for an exam. This series focuses on the objectives for the exam 70-516: MCTS Accessing data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4.
Disclaimer: This guide is for use at your own discretion and the author accepts NO liability in relation to incorrect or missing information. Also note that using this guide to study does not imply you will pass the exam.
Modeling Data (20%)
- Map entities and relationships by using the Entity Data Model.
- Using the Visual Designer
- Using the Entity Data Model Tools
- ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer
- Entity Data Model Wizard
- Update Model Wizard (Entity Data Model Tools)
- Generate Database Wizard (Entity Data Model Tools)
- Implementing Advanced Entity Framework Features
- Extending the Entity Data Model Tools
- Creating an Application Using a Conceptual Model (Entity Data Model Tools)
- Walkthrough: Mapping Inheritance - Table-per-Hierarchy (Entity Data Model Tools)
- Walkthrough: Mapping Inheritance - Table-per-Type (Entity Data Model Tools)
- Walkthrough: Mapping an Entity to Multiple Tables (Entity Data Model Tools)
- Walkthrough: Mapping an Entity to Stored Procedures (Entity Data Model Tools)
- Walkthrough: Retrieving Entity Types with a Stored Procedure (Entity Data Model Tools)
- Using the Entity Data Model Tools with ASP.NET
- Walkthrough: Adding Entities Using Foreign Key Properties (Entity Framework)
- Building an entity data model from an existing database
- Managing complex entity mappings in EDMX
- Editing EDM XML
- Mapping to stored procedures
- Creating user-defined associations between entities
- Generating classes with inheritance and mapping them to tables
- Using the Visual Designer
- Map entities and relationships by using LINQ to SQL
- Using the Visual Designer
- O/R Designer Overview
- DataContext Methods (O/R Designer)
- Data Class Inheritance (O/R Designer)
- How to: Add LINQ to SQL Classes to a Project (O/R Designer)
- How to: Create LINQ to SQL Classes Mapped to Tables and Views (O/R Designer)
- How to: Create an Association (Relationship) Between LINQ to SQL Classes (O/R Designer)
- Building a LINQ to SQL model from an existing database
- Mapping to stored procedures
- How to: Use Stored Procedures to Return Rowsets (LINQ to SQL)
- How to: Use Stored Procedures that Take Parameters (LINQ to SQL)
- How to: Use Stored Procedures Mapped for Multiple Result Shapes (LINQ to SQL)
- Customizing Operations By Using Stored Procedures (LINQ to SQL)
- Customizing Operations by Using Stored Procedures Exclusively (LINQ to SQL)
- Walkthrough: Using Only Stored Procedures (Visual Basic) (LINQ to SQL)
- Walkthrough: Using Only Stored Procedures (C#) (LINQ to SQL)
- Using the Visual Designer
- Create and customize entity objects
- Configuring changes to an Entity Framework entity
- Using the ADO.NET EntityObject Generator (T4)
- Self-tracking entities
- Snapshot change tracking
- ObjectStateManager
- Partial classes
- Partial methods in the Entity Framework
- System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext.ObjectMaterialized
- System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext.SavingChanges
- System.Data.Objects.ObjectStateManager.ObjectStateManagerChanged
- System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.RelatedEnd.AssociationChanged
- System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.StructuralObject.PropertyChanging
- System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.StructuralObject.PropertyChanged
- partial (C# Reference)
- Partial (Visual Basic)
- How to: Customize Object Layer Code Generation
- How to: Customize Generated Data Objects
- Connect a POCO model to the Entity Framework
- Create the database from the Entity Framework model
- Customizing the Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Generating scripts for a database
- Choose Your Data Connection Dialog Box (Generate Database Wizard)
- Summary and Settings Dialog Box (Generate Database Wizard)
- Database Generation Rules (Generate Database Wizard)
- How to: Customize Database Generation (Generate Database Wizard)
- Entity Data Model tools
- Create model-defined functions
- Editing the Conceptual Schema Definition Language CSDL
- Enabling model-defined functions by using the EdmFunction attribute
- Complex types
- ComplexObject
- ComplexType Element (CSDL)
- How to: Create and Modify Complex Types
- How to: Add a Complex Type Property to an Entity
- How to: Refactor Existing Properties into a Complex type Property
- How to: Map Complex Type Properties to Table Columns
- How to: Map a Function Import to a Complex Type
- How to: Query Complex Types
- complex type (Entity Data Model)