Tuesday, 23 March 2010

MCTS Web Applications .NET 4– 70-515 – Objectives List Part 6

This is the sixth post (first, second, third, fourth, fifth) in another collection of posts that have links to the different objectives covered in the 70-515 exam. There is also a series on ASP.NET 3.5 exam 70-562 (here) and Web Applications .NET 2.0 exam 70-528 (here)

Please note that information and exam is currently in beta and subject to change. This exam guide is for use at your own discretion and the author accepts NO liability in relation to incorrect or missing information. Also note that using this guide to study does not imply you will pass the exam

Developing a Web Application by Using ASP.NET MVC 2 (13%)

There are no books available for this exam at this time due to the fact that the exam is in beta until 30-April-2010. 8 weeks after this date is the expected go live date for this exam.


Unknown said...

It seems that current "Templated input helpers" link is wrong. Here is the MSDN link : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee308450.aspx.

Thanks for your posts about ASP.Net 4.0 certs.

Unknown said...

Hi Niall,

Here are a few more links that you might consider adding to further describe the objectives in part 6.

Structure of an MVC application

Action filters

Action result sub-classes

Unknown said...

And yet another one.

Organizing controllers into areas

Unknown said...

Thanks Trond

A lot of these links were not around when I wrote this post.. it was still too early in the cycle :)

Unknown said...

Happy to help a former colleague :) (I resigned from ErgoGroup (Trondheim) in October)