This is the first post in another collection of posts that have links to the different objectives covered in the 70-515 exam. There is also a series on ASP.NET 3.5 exam 70-562 (here) and Web Applications .NET 2.0 exam 70-528 (here)
Please note that information and exam is currently in beta and subject to change. This guide is for use at your own discretion and the author accepts NO liability in relation to incorrect or missing information. Also note that using this guide to study does not imply you will pass the exam
Developing Web Forms Pages (19%)
- Configure Web Forms pages.
This objective may include but is not limited to:- Page directives
- ViewState
- Request Validation
- Event Validation
- MasterPageFile
- ClientIDMode
- Using web.config
- Setting the html doctype
- Implement master pages and themes.
This objective may include but is not limited to: - Implement globalization
This objective may include but is not limited to:- resource files
- Localizing Resources for Component Libraries Overview
- Walkthrough: Embedding Localized Resources for a JavaScript File
- Walkthrough: Globalizing a Date by Using Client Script
- How to: Retrieve Resource Values Programmatically
- How to: Create Resource Files for ASP.NET Web Stes
- How to: Use Resources to Set Property Values in Web Server Controls
- How to: Retrieve Resource Values Programmatically
- browser files
- CurrentCulture
- currentUICulture
- ASP:Localize
- resource files
- Handle page life cycle events
This objective may include but is not limited to:- IsPostback
- IsValid
- dynamically creating controls
- control availability within the page life cycle
- accessing control values on postback
- overriding page events
- Implement caching.
This objective may include but is not limited to:- data caching
- page output caching
- How to: Set the Cacheability of an ASP.NET Page Declaratively
- How to: Set a Page's Cacheability Programmatically
- How to: Set Expiration Values for ASP.NET Page Caching
- How to: Check the Validity of a Cached Page
- How to: Cache Page Output with File Dependencies
- How to: Cache Page Output with Cache Key Dependencies
- Setting the Cacheability of a Page
- Caching Multiple Versions of a Page
- control output caching
- cache dependencies
- setting cache lifetimes
- substitution control
- Manage state.
This objective may include but is not limited to:- server-side technologies
- client-side technologies
- configuring session state
- session state compression
- persisting data by using ViewState
- compressing ViewState
- moving ViewState
There are no books available for this exam at this time due to the fact that the exam is in beta until 30-April-2010. 8 weeks after this date is the expected go live date for this exam.
Thanks a lot for doing this.
Thanks a bunch for the explanation.
Do you have any eBooks(pdf/CD) for exam 70-515 , if so , will you please share .
Thanks and Best Regards ,
Cheers .
Good page. Cheers.
As you said, book out in Q4. See an early link to it here.
Thanks, I have cleared my beta certification. these links were very useful.
Thanks for very useful information along with study material.
Have you done any Mock tests before the exam? if so which ones?
Thanks a lot.. you have certainly boosted my spirit for completing this certification.
Very useful here. But, tell me, is this content still up to date? Or did microsoft changed something?
Great work!
You da man Merrigan!
Hi! You now when will be released the training kit book for the exam 70-515?? Thanks!
Thank you man
this is very useful
thank you man this is very useful
I think you are exaggerating. Your links are way more than necessary to pass the test. Noone can possibly learn all this info. What you've done is just copy&paste all and every msdn link which probably buffles readers.
This list is not meant as the only thing you should be using. Its a reference, so if you are looking for a particular part of the syllabus that you are wondering about you can use these pages as shortcuts to them rather than trying to locate them in the MSDN.
I take onboard what you say, but for me I used it as a checklist to see if I had covered everything.
Realistically if you are going for the exam, this will be just a quick review if you see something you dont know, you can click through to see what its about.
I do agree your links list is very helpful as a reference. My comment is based on the fact that I am reading the official training kit and checking your links at the same time. I think one can go overboard quite soon. So, in regard with test takers, maybe you need to add a list of *hot* or *must-read* links -short of a guide on which links must not be overlooked. What do you think?
That's a great idea.. I will see what I can do ... Thanks for that
thanks man for sharing
I'm going to take it next week
it will help a lot
Thanks for this.It will help everyone.
Thanks again....
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