Thursday, 15 January 2009

Followup on MCP Videos

A quick followup from one of my earlier posts

Our thanks to everyone who responded to the recent casting call for the Value of Certification video. We received responses from many qualified and eloquent MCPs and MCTs eager to say what Microsoft Certification has meant to them in their own career development and advancement. From these candidates we have selected our cast, and you can look forward to seeing an exciting and dynamic video soon as our cast members share their certification stories.

Meanwhile, if you have a webcam, we would very much like to hear your personal certification story. Here's how:

1. Create a short video clip (5 -10 seconds) in which you state your name, pause for three seconds and state "I'm an MCP and ______" (you get to fill in the blank)

2. You can fill the blank in with a statement regarding your career (e.g. "...and I just got promoted!") or something personal (e.g. "...and I hunt wild boar on weekends!")

3. Post your clip on

4. Send the link to If it is selected for use in our materials, you will be notified.

We may feature your video on our Microsoft Learning website worldwide, so please, record your story and send it in!

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