Sunday 7 June 2009

IT Galla 2009

ErgoGroup’s IT event for Stavanger is now over for another year and it was a roaring success.

I was managing TechnoLoft and talking to people about SilverLight, SharePoint, ASP.NET and other webby things. The great thing about IT Galla is that you get a chance to meet the experts in the loft and get a lot of free advice and also see how someone else would do it. For the experts its good to meet a lot of new faces, show off our toys and generally get to be the “Expert”

Along with my fellow Microsoft team mates Glenn Henriksen, Børge Østrem and Shamrez Iqbal we showed off some of the technologies we are working on as well as giving some people the chance to get hands on with our Windows 7 installations.

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